Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Eva and Emma`s Timeline...

It all went from this in July:

To this in October:

13 weeks  (tiny baby bump - before we knew there were two!)

18 weeks (the week before finding out we were having twins)

24 weeks (one week before going inpatient) 

27 weeks 

30 weeks

And the end will begin here in two weeks time:


At 21 weeks, the girls weighed in a 1lb 9 oz and 1lb 11oz.  At their 25 week ultrasound they gained a decent amount of weight, weighing in at 2lbs 6oz and 2lbs 7oz.  Once they hit 29 weeks they had nearly gained a pound each, putting them at 3lbs and 3lbs 4 oz.  They have already started their breathing techniques so that is a great sign (thanks to the steroid shots).  My next ultrasound is January 30th (31 weeks) and I`m hoping they will each be close to 4 lbs.  Upon delivery at 32 weeks, they should be over 4 lbs each.  That would be fantastic.  Grow babies grow! Pack on those pounds, just like your mommy has!

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