Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Guten Appetit?

A dietician came to see me a few weeks ago. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't a dietician supposed to at least look somewhat healthy? Yikes. This lady was in her late 50s with dull grey skin that matched her hair accompanied by yellow teeth and at least an extra 40 pounds. Something isn't right here and something is definitely wrong with Canada's Food Guide. It reminded me of the one time I participated in aquasize class and the lady teaching it definitely did not look like she exercised a day in her life. In any event, I took everything the dietician said with a grain of salt, because really, it hasn't done her any favours, so it definitely won't do me any. 

I was told that the maternity ward patients are well taken care of in comparison to the rest of the hospital patients as they don't get as good of food as we do.  Scary.  Whether you're growing babies or fighting off disease, one would think you'd need nutritious, quality food to help you along.  A nurse told me that Canada's prisons have a budget of $10 per day for food whereas the budget for a hospital is $5.62 per day.  Prisoners are getting better food than those in hospital? Something isn't right here!

Here are a few photos of my favourite mealtimes.  And for the record, I didn't eat any of them. 

This is supposed to be roasted turkey.  What part of this turkey is roasted exactly? This turkey loaf is basically extra thick sliced lunch meat heated microwave style.

Jello just grosses me out. Period.

I like to call this shoe leather with a dollop of poop.

Now I know that my dad always went the extra mile by making sherpherds pie with a pie crust base, and I've accepted the fact that it's actually not really made like that; however, this is just nasty.

German New Year's Pretzel

Thank God I have my mom bringing me delicious and nutritious food. The above may be not so nutritious, but it's a German tradition for New Years.  A sweetbread that tastes fantastic with jam, or as you can see here, just torn off by me and eaten like an apple.  I was so happy to get this, I dug in before I could snap a photo. Oink. 

Thanks to my Godmother for sending me not one, but two lovely fruit baskets...

...and to a dear friend for making me delicious cupcakes.  Good thing I passed my gestational diabetes test because I've managed to scarf down all but two, okay, one cupcake. 

I'm so fortunate that I have a standing order for unlimited activity.  We went out for dinner with my parents on Sunday night and I even got to go Milestones for lunch with two of my girlfriends yesterday.  It was definitely a great day, and sunny to boot!

My mom takes such good care of me....mothers really are the best and I am so thankful to have such a fantastic one as mine.  Not only has she brought me awesome food whenever I ask (or don't ask), she's given me a manicure and pedicure and a facial! Even the nurses were jealous.  We even got to go out last week and use up our pedicure certificates we received from the men in our lives for Christmas.  One must have nice feet.

Dinner has arrived....
Sweet and sour pork anyone?  Josh would love this, it tastes like it's been soaked in vinegar. *Barf*

What do you think?  I think I will resort to cheese and crackers for dinner tonight.  Since cheese is a hot commodity around here, I'm off on the hunt for a few packages.  Labour and Delivery usually has a few packets in their fridge, because really, how many mothers in labour have the time to eat cheese?

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